Pure Medicine.

Boost Confidence

Confidence. It's the often elusive feeling that you know yourself and why you're here. Confident people think clearly, communicate with ease and attract success. Whether in a social or business setting, these are the people that project a can-do attitude. They aren't arrogant ... simply comfortable in their own skin. You want to be near them. You want to be them.

Do you lack confidence in relationships or situations, want to be more assertive or want to become a better public speaker? Do you want to be able to share some of the knowledge and ideas that you hold back because of lack of confidence? Do you find it difficult to speak up in front of groups of people. Whether you your lack of confidence holds you back in one or more areas, you can be helped by hypnotherapy.

How Does It Work?
Hypnotherapists use hypnosis to help you to access your subconscious mind in order to shed unwanted scripts and replace them with the desired thoughts, feelings and emotions. During hypnosis you will experience deep relaxation, a concentrated focus and increased sensory alertness. This is a natural state of mind that occurs spontaneously. Believe it or not you slip in and out of this state, known as ‘trance’, all the time in your everyday life. Some examples of trance states include fantasizing about someone you are attracted to, becoming deeply immersed in a book, anticipating or re-living a negative experience in your head and daydreaming. As you can see from the examples given, trance states can be positive or negative, depending on what is being focused on.

Hypnotherapists induce deeply relaxing trance states because when your are deeply relaxed, it is easier for you to access your subconscious mind. It allows the therapist to open your subconscious mind to positive suggestions about confidence. While in this state you may also practice visualization in order to practice situations in which you will act with confidence.

Hypnotherapy can also be effective in removing any negative associations that you have developed and free you from negative emotions from the past. Self-esteem issues and deeply-rooted confidence problems can also be related be expunged during your hypnotherapy session.

3 Steps to Increased Self Confidence
If you want to increase your self-confidence there are three things you can do on your own:
Relax. Find quiet time to sit and be with yourself. Allow your mind to let go of its conscious thoughts and just be. Great places to do this are at the beach, in a park, in a quiet spot inside your home.
Relate. During those quiet times think about times when you've felt the confidence you crave. Was it during a meeting? While out with friends? Maybe it happened while you worked on the computer? Whatever it was, allow your mind to remember the feelings that preceded the burst of confidence as well as the feelings of confidence. Don't "think" about it, just let your mind sit with it.
Anchor. Find a word or phrase that allows your mind to instantly recall those feelings. Anchor yourself to the feeling of confidence with that word. Every time you find yourself seeking confidence simply call that word or phrase to mind and allow yourself to feel the emotions of previous confident moments.
Use these steps and you'll begin to enjoy the benefits of increased self confidence. When you're ready to go to the next level, contact a qualified hypnotherapist. Don't let yourself be held back because of lack of confidence!


Karim C. Ali, D.E.M.,C.Ht.,
Mental Health Counselor ,

“I work with people just like you to help reach their dreams... 
and goals in: health, wealth, 
relationships, and grow in 

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